What is Pushkara Navamshas and Pushkara (Bhag) Degree ?
Elements Signs
Astrology Sign
Pushkara Degree
Pushkara Navamsha
Fire Sign
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
20º to 23º 20’
26º 40’ to 30º
Earth Sign
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
6º 40’ to 10º
13º 20’ to 16º 40’
Air Sign
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
16º 40’ to 20º
23º 20’ to 26º 40’
Water Sign
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
0º to 3º 20’
6º 40’ to 10º
Each sign has two Pushkara Navamsas, 24 in all.
Out of 24, 3 Pushkara Navamshas are vargottama:
1. Taurus Navamsha in Taurus Sign;
2. Cancer Navamsha in Cancer Sign;
3. Sagittarius Navamsha in Sagittarius Sign.
Jupiter rules over 9 Pushkara Navamsha and Venus rules over 9 Pushkara Navamsha, one in fire, earth
and air elements, whereas Moon and Mercury rule one each in Water elements.
Planet place in Pushakar Navamsha will also give equal
result and equally important as Vargotaami Planet.
Planet becomes highly beneficial and gives good result if it
is placed in Pushakara Navamsha.
If in the Leo Ascendant, Mercury
is placed in 10th house in Taurus sign at 7º Degree that means
Mercury is in Pushkara Navamsha, but as Pisces sign is placed in 8th
house, Mercury can give result of Pushkara Navamsha but also give weak health.
Thus, planet will give good and bad both result simultaneously.
Specific Pushakara degrees in the
different signs are considered as highly auspicious, and that should be used in
Prashna charts and particularly for fixing the Lagna of Muhurta charts.
Elements Signs
Highly Auspicious Degree
Pushkara Degree
Pushkara Navamsha
Fire Sign
20º to 23º 20’
26º 40’ to 30º
Earth Sign
6º 40’ to 10º
13º 20’ to 16º 40’
Air Sign
16º 40’ to 20º
23º 20’ to 26º 40’
Water Sign
0º to 3º 20’
6º 40’ to 10º
Pushkara Navamsha (Bhag) Degree is
not found in Ketu, Mars and Mercury Constellations.
Transit of Benefic planet through
Pushakara Navamsha would give highly beneficial results.
Similarly, Transit of Malefic planet
over planet in Pushakara Navamsha would reduce the malefic result of malefic
planet and also try to give good result of that particular house.
Transit of Mahadasha Lord and
Dasha Lord from Pushakara Navamsha would give highly beneficial results during
that Mahadasha or Dasha period.
When Jupiter is in Vargottami or
Pushkara Navamsha and is placed in conjunction with Mars and Moon, person born
in rich family or father becomes rich after born of such child in family.
If Jupiter is in Pushakara Navamsha
and is placed in Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th)
or Trikon (5th, 9th), person becomes rich, wealthy and
If Ascendant, Lord of Ascendant
and Lord of the 10th house is placed in Pushakara Navamsha, it will
give good luck and strength to the event.
If any planet is placed in
Pushakara Navamsha or at Pushakara
(Bhag) Degree, that planet will increase beneficial result of that house.
If any planet is forming any Yoga
like (Gajkeshari Yoga, Laxmi Yoga) with Pushakara Navamsha Planet, it will
increase result of that yoga.
If Sun is placed in Aries sign at
21º Degree, it means Sun is in Pushakara Navamsha as well as at Pushkara Degree,
but this Sun is debilitated in Navamsha Chart, Sun will becomes strong and give
good result instated of weak or result of debilitation.
In Marriage or relationship if Lord
of the Ascendant is in Pushakara Navamsha in either of the chart (male or
female) both will have good marriage and marriage life and they will live
happily. Karaka Venus and Jupiter are in Pushakara Navamsha, it will give good
relationship as well as partnership.
If Jupiter is placed in Pushakara
Navamsha in female chart, then she will have good life partner and children.
If Venus is placed in Pushakara Navamsha
in male chart, then he will have good relationship with her wife.
There are 24 Pushakara Navamsha
and 12 Pushakara (Bhag) Degree. Therefore every hour a
Pushkara Navamsha rises during
every house and Pushakara (Bhag) Degree comes during every two hours.
If you need to find an auspicious
time, you can select Pushakara Navamsha and/or Pushakara (Bhag) Degree. In Taurus
ascendant you will get Pushakara Navamsha as well as at Pushakara (Bhag) Degree
are Vargottami, this position is most stronger position.
During the Prashna
Kundali/horoscope if Ascendant is in Pushakara Navamsha or at Pushakara (Bhag)
Degree, person will get success or answer will be positive.