When will I get married? Will I marry this year?
Will it be an arranged marriage or a love marriage? How will my married life
be? Marriage Prediction, Marriage Astrology.
Significator of
For Male Venus is significator planet for marriage.
For Female Jupiter is significator planet for marriage
The 7th house (house of marriage) of birth horoscope
tells about marriage and marriage life.
Marriage on time (
Age 20 to 28)
If beneficial planets like Jupiter, Venus, Mercury are
placed in 7th house or aspecting to the lord of the 7th
house or any how connected with 7th house then person get married on
Delay in marriage
(Age 29 and later on)
If malefic planets like Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu are
placed in 7th house or aspecting to lord of the 7th house
or any how connected with 7th house which indicates delay in marriage.
Mars in the 7th house creates Mangal Dosha and
delay in marriage.
If Moon is placed in 5th house then person may
involve or enter in love relation at early age.
If Venus and Mars, Venus and Rahu, Venus and Saturn are
placed in 5th house then person may involve or enter in love relation.
Arranged Marriage or
Love Marriage
If 5th house or lord of the 5th house
any how connected with 7th house or lord of the 7th house
or 1st house or Lord of the 1st house then there are
chances of love marriage.
Venus or/and Mars or/and Moon are being lord of the 1st
house or 5th house or 7th house placed in same sign, then
there are chances of love marriage.
If Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu are placed in 5th
house (house of love) then there are chances of arranged marriage. Person may
not get success in love.
Marriage life
If Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu are placed in 7th
house (house of marriage life) then person may have an average marriage life.
Time of marriage
In the astrology, on the basis of 7th house, lord
of the 7th house, transiting planet aspects to 7th house
or Lord of the 7th house and Major period of planet and sub period
of planet we can predict when person will marry.
Transiting Jupiter will pass through 1st house, 5th
house, 7th house, 9th house, 11th house or
Transiting Jupiter will aspect to 7th house or Transiting Jupiter
will aspect to the Lord of the 7th house during that period person
will marry.
Vimshotari Dasha
During the Major or Sub period of Jupiter or Venus or lord
of the 7th house or planet aspecting or connected with 7th
house or lord of the 7th house the marriage will take place.
KP Astrology and Marriage prediction
KP Astrology and Marriage prediction
If the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies 2,
7 and 11, then marriage is promised and during the Significator of 2,7,11
person will marry.