
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What is combust planet ? When any planet is considered as combust?

What is combust planet ? When any planet is considered as combust?

When any planet comes very nearer to the Sun in Transit, that planet is considered as combust. Sun is very big and hot planet and therefore, rays of Sun will combust planet. Sometimes, it is also seen that combust planet loses positivity or positive characteristics. The strong moral principle of the planet is compromised.

Within degree to Sun
Period of Combustion
12 Degree
For few hours
17 Degree
12 Days
13 Degree
36 Days
Mercury (Retrograded)
12 Degree
16 Days
11 Degree
30 Days
9 Degree
15 Days
Venus (Retrograded)
8 Degree
9 Days
15 Degree
36 Days
15 Degree
15 Degree


Thursday, July 21, 2016

When will I have a Child? Child Astrology - Progeny Astrology

When will I have a Child? Child Astrology - Progeny Astrology 

5th house (house of child, progeny) indicates chances of having child. Jupiter is natural Karaka (significator) of child and 5th house.

Significator house

2nd house (house of family and family member), 5th house (house of progeny, child, feotus), 11th house (house of gain, fulfillment of desire, 5th house from 7th house).

Significator planet

Venus is significator of fertility and semen. Sun is significator of vitality. Jupiter is significator of child, progeny. Moon and Mars indicates menstruation, Period cycle in female horoscope.

If 5th house and lord of the 5th house placed in placed with benefic planet indicates favourable chances for getting child.

If 5th house or lord of the 5th house are placed with malefic planet, which is not good or there may be delay in childbirth.

Astrology planets and delay in childbirth.

Influence of malefic on 5th house (house of child) indicates delay in child birth.

If Jupiter (significator of child) is become week or is placed with malefic planet (like Rahu, Ketu, Saturn) or placed in malefic house (6th house, 8th house, 12th house), which may create problems for childbirth.

If Ketu is placed with 5th house or lord of the 5th house, it may create problems related to conception, small size of uterus or childbirth. Sometimes, Ketu causes miscarriage. Similarly, Rahu and Saturn are also creating problems if both or any one is placed with 5th house or lord of the 5th house.

For childbirth, Mercury and Saturn are perceived as frigid planets or people having either of this planet in 5th house or with lord of the 5th house are not showing interest for childbirth in cosmopolitan cities or these both planets are also known as Barren planets, therefore, Mercury and Saturn in 5th house or with lord of the 5th house, would not give good result for childbirth or progeny.

If Venus is combust (combust means Ashton or Venus and sun is placed in tight orbs in conjunction aspects) in the horoscope indicates low semen count in male because Venus signifies fertility and semen.

If Moon and Mars are placed with Rahu or Ketu in female chart, this planetary combination showing problems related to menstruation, problem related to overy (overy means one of a pair of reproductive glands of woman) Period cycle or sometimes pain in abdomen is also shown.

Sun signifies vitality, father, energy and important thing life. Placement of sun with malefic planet also indicatess problems related to childbirth. Sun and Rahu are placed in same sign, it forms Pitru Dosha and this Pitru Dosha also creates problem in childbirth.

Astrology sign, planet and child birth. 

Generally, watery signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are considered as fruitful signs. Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Sagittarius signs are comparatively less fruitful sign. While Virgo, Aries, Gemini and Leo are sometimes considered as barren sign.

However, it is generally perceived that person who has Gemini or Virgo sign in 5th house or lord of the 5th house is placed in this sign, may have twins. Lord of the Gemini and Virgo sign is Mercury and Mercury signifies dual nature.

If Sun or Mars is strongly placed in 5th house, this may give male child in first issue.

Male planets (Sun, Mars and Jupiter are the male planets) are placed in 5th house, would give male child and female planets (Moon and Venus are female planets) are placed in 5th house would give female child. 

Timing of event

When transiting Jupiter passes through the 5th house or aspecting to the Lord of the 5th house or passes through 1st house, 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house, 11th house, indicates conception and child birth.

During major period or sub period or lord of the 5th house or planet placed in 5th house indicates chances of childbirth.

KP Astrology and child birth

2nd house (house of family and family members and childbirth means increase in number of family members), 5th house  ( house of children, progeny, conception) and 11th house  (house of fulfillment of desires).

If the 5th cusp sub lord signifies the 2nd, 5th, 7th house indicates person will bless with child.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Which Dasha should i use for making prediction - Vimshottari Dasha or Ashtottari Dasha ?

Which Dasha should i use for making prediction - Vimshottari Dasha or Ashtottari Dasha ?

Parasara has advised the use of Ashtottari Dasa by saying that,

(1) If Rahu is placed in a quadrant (Kendra) or trine(Triknona) from the Lord of Ascendant then the use of Ashtottari dasha is advisable.

(2) If birth is at daytime in Krishna Paksha[8] or at nighttime in Sukla Paksha[9], the use of Ashtottari dasa is advisable.

If in birth horoscope condition (1) or (2) is applicable, then use Ashtottari Dasha, else use Vimshottari Dasha.

There is one more exception that in Northern India generally Vimshottari Dasha is used and in Sauratra (Gujarat) Ashtottari Dasha is used.

Vimshottari Dasha System.

Ketu 7 Years
Venus 20 Years
Sun 6 Years
Moon 10 Years
Mars 7 Years
Rahu 18 Years
Jupiter 16 Years
Saturn 19 Years
Mercury 17 Years
Total of 120 years

Ashtottari Dasha System.

Sun 6 Years
Moon 15 Years
Mars 8 Years
Rahu 17 Years
Jupiter 10 Years
Saturn 19 Years
Mercury 12 Years
Ketu - Ketu is not considered as part of the Ashottari Dasha system.
Venus 21 Years
Total of 108 years

As per Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, Chapter 32 - Full life span (Purna Ayusha) of man is 120 years, Therefore, Vimshottari Dasha System is foremost use among the other various Dasha Systems.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Will I buy a Car or Bike ?

Will I buy a Car or Bike ?

4th house or lord of the 4th house (house of vehicle as per Vedic astrology, 4th house governs petroleum and gas as per Mundane Astrology) is any how connected with Mars (Mars signifies machinery) or/and Moon (Significator of 4th house) or/and Venus (Venus signifies cars, petrol, fuel), 4th house or Lord of the 4th house should be in good condition, which indicates person will buy vehicle.


Transiting Jupiter will pass through 4th house or Transiting Jupiter will aspect to the Lord of the 4th house or connected planets with 4th house during that period person will vehicle.

Vimshotari Dasha

During major period or sub period or lord of the 4th house or planet placed in the 4th house or Moon or Venus or Mars, person may buy vehicle.

KP Astrology and Vehicles

If the sub lord of the 4th cusp signifies 2 legs Animal Astrology sign (Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, 1 to 15 Degree of Sagittarius) person will buy 2 wheeler vehicle.

If the sub lord of the 4th cusp signifies 4 legs Animal Astrology sign (Aries, Taurus, Leo, Capricorn, 15 to 30 Degree of Sagittarius) person will buy 4 wheeler vehicle.

Example : If the sub lord of the 4th cusp is Moon and Moon is placed in Taurus sign which indicates person will buy 4 wheeler vehicle.

When will I go abroad / foreign?

When will I go abroad / foreign?

Lord of the 1st house is any how connected with 3rd house (short distance travel) or 9th house or 12th house or lord of the 9th house or 12th house, confirming chances of going abroad.

Connection of 4th house, 9th house, 12th house
If malefic planet is placed in 4th house (house of mother land/birth place) or with lord of the 4th house, indicates person would not get progress at birth place. Connection of Rahu or Ketu with 4th house or with lord of the 4th house. Lord of the 4th house is placed in 12th house. Depositor of Moon should be connected with 9th house or 12th house or lord of the 9th house or lord of the 12th house. Airy sign is placed in 9th house or 12th house. These planetary position indicates that person may go abroad.

Vimsottari Dasha

During Major period or Sub period of Rahu (Rahu’s major or sub period is favourable for abroad travel) or 9th house or 12th house or planet placed or connection with lord of the 9th house or 12th house or period indicates person will foreign.

KP Astrology and foreign travel

Sub lord of the 12th cusp signifies 3rd house (12th house from 4th house of mother land) or 9th house (house of long distance travel) or 12th house (house of travel to unknown place or long journey).

Will I do job or business ?

Will I do job or business ?

If Saturn is any how connected with 6th house (house of job) or Saturn (significator of job) being lord of the 6th house aspecting to 1st house or 2nd house (house of finance), job would be more advisable.

If 10th house is stronger then 6th house and 10th house(house of business) or lord of the 10th house is connected with 2nd house, 7th house and 11th house, person will shine in business.

KP Astrology and Job or Business

If the 10th cusp sub lord signifies the 7th house, the better to go for business. If the10th cusp sub lord signifies the 6th house, job would be more advisable.

When will I get married? Will I marry this year? Will it be an arranged marriage or a love marriage? How will my married life be? Marriage Prediction, Marriage Astrology.

When will I get married? Will I marry this year? Will it be an arranged marriage or a love marriage? How will my married life be? Marriage Prediction, Marriage Astrology.

Significator of Marriage

For Male Venus is significator planet for marriage.
For Female Jupiter is significator planet for marriage


The 7th house (house of marriage) of birth horoscope tells about marriage and marriage life.

Marriage on time ( Age 20 to 28)

If beneficial planets like Jupiter, Venus, Mercury are placed in 7th house or aspecting to the lord of the 7th house or any how connected with 7th house then person get married on time.

Delay in marriage (Age 29 and later on)

If malefic planets like Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu are placed in 7th house or aspecting to lord of the 7th house or any how connected with 7th house which indicates delay in marriage.
Mars in the 7th house creates Mangal Dosha and delay in marriage.


If Moon is placed in 5th house then person may involve or enter in love relation at early age.

If Venus and Mars, Venus and Rahu, Venus and Saturn are placed in 5th house then person may involve or enter in love relation.

Arranged Marriage or Love Marriage

If 5th house or lord of the 5th house any how connected with 7th house or lord of the 7th house or 1st house or Lord of the 1st house then there are chances of love marriage.

Venus or/and Mars or/and Moon are being lord of the 1st house or 5th house or 7th house placed in same sign, then there are chances of love marriage.

If Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu are placed in 5th house (house of love) then there are chances of arranged marriage. Person may not get success in love.

Marriage life

If Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu are placed in 7th house (house of marriage life) then person may have an average marriage life.

Time of marriage

In the astrology, on the basis of 7th house, lord of the 7th house, transiting planet aspects to 7th house or Lord of the 7th house and Major period of planet and sub period of planet we can predict when person will marry.


Transiting Jupiter will pass through 1st house, 5th house, 7th house, 9th house, 11th house or Transiting Jupiter will aspect to 7th house or Transiting Jupiter will aspect to the Lord of the 7th house during that period person will marry.

Vimshotari Dasha

During the Major or Sub period of Jupiter or Venus or lord of the 7th house or planet aspecting or connected with 7th house or lord of the 7th house the marriage will take place.

KP Astrology and Marriage prediction

If the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies 2, 7 and 11, then marriage is promised and during the Significator of 2,7,11 person will marry.

What kind of result Rahu and Ketu will give ? What Rahu and Ketu signifies ?

What kind of result Rahu and Ketu will give ? What Rahu and Ketu signifies ?

Rahu and Ketu do not have any ownership of any sign.

There are some exception for aspects of Rahu and Ketu.

Some people says Rahu and Ketu aspects like Jupiter and Saturn, but more important thing is what result Rahu and Ketu will give.

No one will tell you what Rahu and Ketu signifies and what kind of result of Rahu and Ketu will give.

I am sharing this thing which I have learnt from my Guruji.

In following manner Rahu and Ketu will give results or signifies.

Condition - 1. Planet with whom Rahu and Ketu are placed with. (conjunction only).

Condition - 2. Planet from Rahu and Ketu received aspects. Aspects mean here special aspect only. Jupiter’s – 5, 9 special aspects, Mars’s – 4, 8 special aspects, Saturn’s –3, 10 special aspects. Do not consider here 7th aspects of any planets.

Condition - 3. If Rahu and Ketu are not in conjunction with any planet as well as not receiving any special aspects, in that situation, Rahu and Ketu will give result of the lord of the astrological sign in which Rahu and Ketu are placed.

If 1st condition is fulfilled then do not go on 2nd or 3rd condition.
And, if 1st condition is not fulfilled then go on 2nd condition.
And similarly, if 1st and 2nd condition is not fulfilled then go on 3rd condition.

It means stop your analysis process if 1st condition is fulfilled.

Let's see some examples and try to understand that what kind of result Rahu and Ketu will give :

1st condition:
Rahu and Jupiter are placed in 10th house, which means Rahu and Jupiter are occupying the10th house in Leo sign and Jupiter is Lord of the 2nd house (Sagittarius sign) and 5th house (Pisces sign). Therefore, Rahu will give result of 10th house, 2nd house and 5th house.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2nd condition:
Rahu is aspected by Saturn.  Saturn is occupying the 7th house in Scorpio sign and Saturn is Lord of the 9th house (Capricorn sign) and 10th house (Aquarius sign). Therefore, Rahu will give result of 7th house, 9th house and 10th house.


3rd condition:
Rahu is not in conjunction with any planet as well as not receiving any special aspect from Jupiter, Saturn or Mars. Rahu is placed in 4th house in Capricorn sign. Lord of the Capricorn sign is Saturn is placed in 11th house, which is lord of the 4th house (Capricorn sign) and 5th house (Aquarius sign). Therefore, Rahu will give result of 4th house, 5th house and 11th house.

Ketu will also give result like Rahu. In this article, Three conditions we have discussed for Rahu that will also applicable to Ketu.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

When will I get job ? - Job, Service and Astrology

When will I get job ?

Generally 6th house is not considered as good house, but when someone asks to you, “when will I get job ?” for that we have to see 6th house, 10th house and 11th house because 6th house signifies job, 10th house signifies career or profession and 11th house signifies fulfillment of desire and income also.

Following things we have to see in Birth horoscope for getting job.

Vedic (Nirayana) Astrology

1. Planets placed in 6th and 10th house.

2. In which house and sign Lord of the 6th house and Lord of the 10th house are placed.

3. Strength of 6th house, 10th house and lord of the 6th house and Lord of the 10th house.

4. Transit of lord of the 6th house and Lord of the 10th house. I.e. Lord of the 6th house is Sun and transiting sun will pass from which house and sign.

5. Which Major period and Sub period is going on?

6. What is relation between Major period, Sub period with Lord of the 6th house and Lord of the 10th house?

7. If relation between Major period, Sub period with Lord of the 6th house or Lord of the 10th house is favourable and Transiting Jupiter aspects 2nd house, 6th house, 10th house, 11th house, Lord of the Major period, Lord of the Sub period, Lord of the 6th house, Lord of the 10th house (any one or more then one of these) that particular year or time would be favourable for getting job

8. When someone talking about job, in that situation we have to consider transit of Sun also, because Sun transits from one sign in approximately 30 days and if we have to predict something in months for that we have to see transit of Sun. Transit of Sun from 3rd house, 6th houses, 10th house, 11th house from Moon sign as well as Ascendant would give good results.

KP Astrology and Job prediction

If the sub lord of the 6th cusp signifies 2, 6, 10 and 11, then Job is promised and during the Significator of 2,7,11 person will get job.

Friday, July 8, 2016

What is Mangal dosha or kuja dosha or chovva dosham ? is there any Mangal Dosha in my Horoscope ?

Mangal dosha or kuja dosha or chovva dosham is the combination in the birth chart or horoscope where Mars (also known as Mangal or Kuja) is placed in the 1st house, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house. A person with Mangal dosh in his natal chart is called Manglik.

If Mars is placed in 1st house / Ascendant in Aries sign in Male horoscope, it is generally says "મંગલ પાઘડીયે છે".

If Mars is placed in 1st house / Ascendant in Aries sign in Female horoscope, it is generally says "મંગલ ઘાટડીયે છે".
